Iran’s Supreme Leader Tweets on Israel-Hamas Conflict, Sparks Twitter Spat with Israel and U.S. President Biden’s Response

Israel's official Twitter handle hit back, suggesting that it's easy to be brave when hidden behind a keyboard. They warned that Khamenei and his associates in Hamas would soon regret their alleged "barbaric actions.

In the midst of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, took to Twitter to voice his strong condemnation of the situation. His tweets triggered a heated exchange, drawing responses from Israel’s official Twitter handle and even U.S. President Joe Biden.

Imam Khamenei’s tweets accused the leaders of Israel and their supporters of paving the way for a catastrophe, stating, “Heads of the Zionist regime and their backers should know that the massacre and mass murder of the people of #Gaza will cause a larger calamity to come upon them.” He went on to criticize Western nations, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom, claiming they had never supported any government as they did the “fake Zionist regime.” He alleged that this regime showed no mercy to women, men, children, or the elderly, prompting him to question how nations should respond to such tyranny.

Imam Khamenei’s tweets also asserted, “No Muslim nation has ever faced an enemy like the enemy the Palestinians are facing today. Muslim nations and countries have never faced an enemy that was this evil, malicious, brutal, and bloodthirsty.”

In response to these remarks, Israel’s official Twitter handle hit back, suggesting that it’s easy to be brave when hidden behind a keyboard. They warned that Khamenei and his associates in Hamas would soon regret their alleged “barbaric actions.”

The exchange on Twitter highlighted the escalating tensions and international concern surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, with leaders and officials worldwide expressing their views and opinions on social media platforms.

In a related development, U.S. President Joe Biden also weighed in on the situation, tweeting, “You and your Hamas friends will regret your barbaric actions very soon.” President Biden emphasized the deep ties between the United States and Israel, acknowledging the personal impact of the conflict on American families and the historical context of antisemitism and persecution of Jewish people. He also mentioned that local and federal law enforcement agencies across the country are closely monitoring potential domestic threats in connection with the ongoing violence in Israel.

As the conflict unfolds, the world continues to watch and react to developments on social media, underscoring the significance of these platforms in shaping public opinion and international discourse.


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