Training Schedule for Assistant Loco Pilots through Railway Recruitment Board Allahabad, Chandigarh & Jammu Tawi

General Manager Northern Railway Ashutosh Gangal informed that Panel of 2856 Assistance Loco Pilot (ALPs) was received from Railway Recruitment Board/Allahabad, Chandigarh and Jammu Tawi. Panels were distributed to respective divisions as per indented vacancies.
Assistant Loco Pilots are imparted 109 days initial training before posting on working post. Training is imparted in batches to them. Training of ‘A’ batch was completed and training of Assistance Loco Pilots of B, C, D, E & F batch was discontinued due to Pandemic situation and all candidates were released on 19.3.2020.
Due to closure of Training Institutes/Centers existing schedule could not be adhered. Training institutes were re-opened on 5.10.2020 with limited capacity and revised schedule of batch B, C, D & E comprising of 1183 candidates w.e.f. 5.10.2020 to 17.03.2021 in different phases was issued. Training of B & C batch has been completed and candidates of D & E batch (337+354=691) are undergoing training.
Schedule for F batch of 182 candidates from 05.03.2021 to 03.07.2021 has also been issued.
Besides above approximately 1264 Assistant Loco Pilots are to be imparted training which will be scheduled from June 2021 onwards in phased manner keeping in view the constraints and limited operational capacity of Training Centers.
The life (currency) of the panel of Assistant Loco Pilots has been extended for one year and all candidates placed on the panel will be absorbed. Schedule of training is advised to the candidates by the divisions.