To promote economical activities, Indian Railways further revises its Freight Policy during Unlock 3.0

Written by Siddharatha

To promote economical activities in the country during Unlock 3.0, Indian Railways has further revised its freight policy. More relaxations have been provided to the customers by slew of incentives announced by Indian Railways. These incentives are expected to boost the economy.

Indian Railways is on a mission mode to boost freight traffic. In spite of Covid related challenges, Indian Railways has already overtaken freight loading figures of the same period last year. These new policy measures will further boost the incentives for all suppliers to transport their goods through railways.

The revised Freight Policy Measures are as under:

1. Alternate Goods shed Policy: Terminal Charge shall not be levied on traffic booked from alternate goods sheds, instead of identified busy goods shed.

2. Free time relaxation for covered wagons: Zonal Railways are empowered to relax the free time up to double of normal free time and/or non levy of demurrage/wharfage in case of covered stock during lean season i.e. upto 30.09.2020.

3. Permission to accept road weigh bridge weighment to certain goods sheds of South Central Railway for loading of Granite- all documents and data to be captured in the system.

4. Terminal Access Charge Concession @50% has been granted on container traffic handled at Group-III Container Rail Terminals.

5. Stabling Charge on container traffic: Not to be levied on container traffic from 18.05.2020 to 31.10.2020.

6. A discount of 5% on haulage charge per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) rates is given on loaded container from 04.08.2020 to 30.04.2021.

7. Piecemeal traffic aggregation under Traditional Empty Flow Direction: Lower limit relaxed to 10 wagons under empty flow streams to target piecemeal traffic in covered wagons like (BCN and BCNHL).

8. Concession to loose/bulk Fly ash: A concession of 40% is given for loading in open wagons covered with Tarpaulin.

9. Industrial Salt: Classification has been lowered from class 120 to class 100A and loading is allowed in bulk/ loose in open wagons, so as to re-capture and gain additional traffic.

10. Two point loading in automobile: Operational flexibility given to automobile sector with two point loading.


A proficient tv reporter with excellent researching skills. I'm adept at telling stories filled with scientific fervour. Stories which are useful for our viewers and enabling them to get real insight for their life. Experienced in tv reporting with more than 17 years of rich experience with leading news channel AajTak. A varied experience of telling news stories, editing articles, covering events and interviewing celebrities across myriad beats like environment, science, climate, weather, disaster, railways, agriculture, socially-relevant topics and human interest stories. Both as a team-player and as an individual my goal has always been, and shall remain, to adhere to deadlines without compromising on quality with the sole aim to grow as an individual by following journalistic ethics and humanity.

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