Production Units of Indian Railways asked to explore possibilities to manufacture essential medical items, in case of need

In the wake of pandemic COVID-19, Ministry of Railways, in consultation with Production Units & Zonal Railway workshops, has decided to use the manufacturing facilities of its Production Units like Chittaranjan Loco Works, Chittaranjan, Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala, Diesel Loco Works, Varanasi, Rail Wheel Factory, Yelehanka to manufacture essential items which can be utilized for the treatment of affected people by this pandemic.
Railway Board has issued necessary instructions to the General Managers of these production units to explore the feasibility of manufacture of items like simple hospital beds, medical trolleys for hospitals and quarantine facilities, IV stands, stretchers, hospital footsteps, hospital bedside lockers, washbasins with stands, ventilators, PPEs like masks, sanitizers, water tanks etc.
Railway Board has entrusted the General Managers to explore the feasibility in consultation with Principal Chief Medical Director of the zone/production unit for manufacture of these items in large quantities as may be required at short notice.