Bravo Brave-hearts ! This Woman’s Day, Woman of Alliance Air run 5K for Covid Warriors

Alliance Air, a wholly owned subsidiary of Air India as a precursor to Woman’s Day celebrated the occasion by organizing a 5km run as a tribute to Covid Warriors on 3rd March 2021 in the early morning hours.

The run started at 06:30 hrs after medical screening & undertaking from each of the participants and ended by 07:30 hrs.

The run had enthusiastic participation from Women of Alliance Air, Indian Women Pilot Association, Aeronautical Society of India & other charitable institutions like IWPA & HARPS.

The area for run was the vicinity surrounding the office of Alliance Air near Domestic Terminal 1, I.G.I Airport, New Delhi.

Proper sanistisation, social distancing and Covid precautions were taken care of during the event.

Attendees comprised of various dignitaries from aviation fraternity. The cutest participants were the underprivileged children from Vanphool school across Yamuna who ran with gusto & enthusiasm adding seraphic smiles and cheer all around.

The voluntary donation from runners will be donated towards Covid relief funds.

Other charitable institutions contributed their bit and made the event a grand success. The first two runners received prizes for completion of the run. There was a wave of happiness and joy amongst all participants in spirit of saluting the dauntless service of Covid Warriors who worked relentlessly to combat the pandemic.

Alliance Air being a national carrier is always dedicated to serve the nation to the fullest.



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