New list of names of tropical cyclones over north Indian Ocean

As per IMD Following criteria have been adopted for implementation of the list of names:
1. RSMC, New Delhi will be responsible to name tropical cyclones forming over the North Indian Ocean including Bay of Bengal & the Arabian Sea when they have been diagnosed with maximum sustained surface wind speed of 34 knots (62 kmph) or more.
2. The name of a TC from South China Sea which crosses Thailand and emerge into the Bay of Bengal as a tropical cyclone will not be changed.
3. Panel Members’ names will be listed alphabetically country-wise.
4. The names will be used sequentially, column-wise.
5. The first name will start from the first row of column 1 and will continue sequentially to the last row in column 13 of Table 1 (Annexure-I).
India Meteorological Department duly acknowledges contribution from WMO, ESCAP and all the 13 PTC member countries, viz., Bangladesh, India, Iran, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Yemen in preparation of the new list of names of TCs developing over the NIO.
Following criteria were adopted for selection of names by the PTC member countries:
1. The proposed name should be neutral to (a) politics and political figures (b) religious believes, (c) cultures and (d) gender
2. Name should be chosen in such a way that it does not hurt the sentiments of any group of population over the globe
3. It should not be very rude and cruel in nature
4. It should be short, easy to pronounce and should not be offensive to any member
5. The maximum length of the name will be eight letters
6. The proposed name should be provided along with its pronunciation and voice over
7. The Panel reserves the right to reject any name, if any of the criteria above is not satisfied.
8. The finalised names may also be reviewed during the course of time of implementation with the approval of PTC in its annual session, in case any reasonable objection is raised by any member
9. The names of tropical cyclones over the north Indian Ocean will not be repeated. Once used, it will cease to be used again. Thus, the name should be new. It should not be there.
in the already existing list of any of the RSMCs worldwide including RSMC, New Delhi.
Accordingly, the new list of names finalised by WMO/ESCAP PTC is given in Annexure-I. The list of names adopted earlier in 2004 is given Annexure-II. The current list has a total of 169 names including 13 names each from 13 WMO/ESCAP member countries. The names suggested by general public in India from time to time, were duly considered by the Committee constituted by IMD for finalisation of names from India and the appropriate names were selected for inclusion in this list of names proposed from India.