Indian Railways plans to restore train services on the Kangra Valley Narrow Gauge Railway
Repair Works Planned for Restoration of Damaged Bridge and to Create Infrastructure for Restoration of Train Services

Kangra Valley Railway provides narrow gauge connectivity from Pathankot-Nurpur-Kangra-Baijnath Paprola-Joginer Nagar. In the current monsoon season, there have been heavy rains in Kangra Valley. This resulted in landslides, boulder falling and flash floods due to which the Railway line was badly affected. As a precautionary measure and considering the history of flash floods, operation of trains on this line was suspended from 14th July 2022.
There is a bridge on river Chakki between Dalhousie Road & Nurpur, numbered as Bridge 32. On 31.07.2022, flash flood in Chakki River resulted in damage to protection works and scouring near Pier No.3. Pier No 3 of the bridge developed a crack above the well cap. This was a result of the river bed of Chakki degrading and the bed level of the river going down rapidly year after year. General Manager, NR held a meeting with the Chief Secretary of Punjab on 16th August 2022 in this connection. A meeting has also been requested between GM, NR and the Chief Secretary of Himachal Pradesh to facilitate the repair works on the rail section.
Subsequently, on 20th August, 2022, a cloud burst was experienced in the area leading to abnormally heavy water discharge with high velocity in river Chakki. Protection Works done by the railways to protect the Piers of the bridge suffered extensive damages as the river bed downstream was very low. Over a period from morning to evening, 05 piers of Bridge were washed away and some others rendered unsafe. In all, 7 piers and 6 spans of the bridge are washed away or unsafe and needing repair/replacement.
Indian Railways works with the prime focus of providing safe, secure and timely service to its users. Repairs/Rebuilding of the rail track and the damaged portion of bridge 32 has been planned and will be completed in the shortest possible time.
In the meantime, to serve the rail users, resumption of train services is planned in the unaffected portion of the railway track. Services will be re-introduced between Pathankot-Dalhousie Road and Nurpur Road-Joginder Nagar. In consultation with the State authorities, road bridging between Nurpur Road to Dalhousie Road is being planned for a few services. The schedule for the phase wise and section wise running of train services will be intimated in due course.
Hon’ble MR has reviewed the action plan for resumption of train services and repairs/ reconstruction of bridge 32 with General Manager/Northern and other officers concerned. He has directed resumption of services at the earliest and expeditious repairs/restoration work of the bridge.