Indian Railways declares Magh Mela Un-reserved Special trains
The 05113/05114 Bhatni -Paryagraj Rambag- Bhatni Magh Mela Special train

Magh Mela (Un-reserved) Special trains
Railways have decided to run Magh Mela Un-reserved Special trains as under:-
The 05113/05114 Bhatni -Paryagraj Rambag- Bhatni Magh Mela Special train
The 05113 Bhatni-Paryagraj Rambag Magh Mela Special train will depart from Bhatni on 20.01.2023 at 08:30 pm to arrive at Paryagraj Rambag at 03.25 am the next day. In the return direction the 05114 Paryagraj Rambag – Bhatni Magh Mela Special train will depart from Paryagraj Rambag on 21.01.2023 at 09.20 am to arrive at Bhatni at 03.30 pm the same day.
The 05113/05114 special train will stop at Salempur Jn,Belthara Road, Kirihrapur ,Mau Jn, Dullahapur, Jakhanian, Sadat , Aunrihar Jn, Sarnath, Varanasi City, Varanasi, Banaras, Madhosingh ,Gyanpur Road, Handia Khas, and Jhusi stations enroute in both the directions .
The 05115/05116 Gorakhpur-Paryagraj Rambag- Gorakhpur Magh Mela Special train
The 05115 Gorakhpur-Paryagraj Rambag Magh Mela Special train will depart from Gorakhpur on 20.01.2023 at 04:00 pm to arrive at Paryagraj Rambag at 02.00 am. the next day. In the return direction the 05116 Paryagraj Rambag – Gorakhpur Magh Mela Special train will depart from Paryagraj Rambag on 21.01.2023 at 08.00 pm to arrive at Gorakhpur at 05.10 am. the next day.
The 05115/05116 special train will stop at Chauri Chaura , Deoria Sadar ,Bhatni Jn, Salempur Jn,Belthara Road, Kirihrapur, Indara Jn ,Mau Jn, Dullahapur ,Jakhanian ,Sadat, Aunrihar Jn, Sarnath ,Varanasi City ,Varanasi, Banaras, Madhosingh, Gyanpur Road,Handia Khas and Jhusi stations enroute in both the directions .