Global IndiaAI Summit 2024: India’s Commitment to Responsible AI Development

New Delhi, India – The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) of India is set to host the ‘Global IndiaAI Summit’ on July 3rd and 4th, 2024, in New Delhi. This landmark event underscores India’s steadfast commitment to advancing the responsible development, deployment, and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. As the lead chair of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), India will convene member countries and international experts to drive discussions on safe, secure, and ethical AI practices.

The Global IndiaAI Summit 2024 aims to foster collaboration among global stakeholders from science, industry, civil society, governments, international organizations, and academia. It provides a crucial platform for sharing insights and addressing key challenges related to AI, ensuring that the benefits of AI innovation are accessible to all sectors of society. With a focus on ethical and inclusive growth, India seeks to position itself as a global leader in AI development while promoting socio-economic advancement through technological innovation.

The summit will feature discussions on several critical themes, aligning with India’s ambitious IndiaAI Mission, which aims to build a robust ecosystem for AI innovation across the country. This mission is structured around seven foundational pillars that will be central to the discussions at the summit:

  1. IndiaAI Compute Capacity: Establishing a scalable AI computing ecosystem with over 10,000 GPUs through public-private partnerships. This initiative will include an AI marketplace offering AI-as-a-service and pre-trained models, facilitating widespread access to essential AI resources.
  2. IndiaAI Innovation Centre: Focused on developing and deploying indigenous large multimodal models (LMMs) and domain-specific foundational models tailored to India’s diverse industries.
  3. IndiaAI Datasets Platform: Streamlining access to high-quality non-personal datasets to fuel AI innovation. A unified data platform will support Indian startups and researchers in developing robust AI solutions.
  4. IndiaAI Application Development Initiative: Driving AI applications in critical sectors by addressing problem statements from Central Ministries, State Departments, and other institutions. This initiative aims to harness AI for large-scale socio-economic transformation.
  5. IndiaAI FutureSkills: Enhancing AI education and skills development with increased AI courses at various academic levels. The initiative also includes the establishment of Data and AI Labs in Tier 2 and 3 cities to nurture a skilled AI workforce nationwide.
  6. IndiaAI Startup Financing: Supporting deep-tech AI startups with streamlined access to funding and risk capital. This initiative aims to foster a vibrant ecosystem of AI startups driving technological advancements and economic growth.
  7. Safe & Trusted AI: Ensuring responsible AI development through the implementation of Responsible AI projects, indigenous tools and frameworks, and guidelines for ethical, transparent, and trustworthy AI technologies.

The ‘Global IndiaAI Summit 2024’ will serve as a pivotal moment for India’s AI ecosystem, showcasing its leadership in AI innovation and its dedication to leveraging technology for societal benefit. With discussions focused on ethical frameworks, inclusive growth, and international collaboration, the summit aims to chart a course for a future where AI contributes positively to global development.

In addition to hosting international delegates and experts, India will use its role as GPAI lead chair to steer global efforts towards developing AI technologies that are safe, secure, and beneficial for all. By fostering dialogue and partnerships at the Global IndiaAI Summit, India seeks to reinforce its position as a thought leader in the global AI landscape while ensuring that AI advancements align with ethical standards and societal values.


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