Cancellation of trains due to non-Interlocking work at Bhiwani City station on Bhiwani-Rohtak section
Non-Interlocking work at Bhiwani City station on Bhiwani-Rohtak section of Bikaner division

Cancellation/Partial Cancellation of trains due to traffic block
As per Indian Railways … due to non-Interlocking work at Bhiwani City station on Bhiwani-Rohtak section of Bikaner division, the following trains shall remain temporarily cancelled/ partially cancelled as under:
Cancellation of trains:-
04977 Rohtak-Bhiwani Express special JCO 08.01.2023 to 10.01.2023.
04978 Bhiwani- Rohtak Express special JCO 09.01.2023 to 11.01.2023.
04962 Bhiwani- Rohtak Express special JCO 08.01.2023 to 11.01.2023.
04975/04974 Rohtak-Bhiwani-Rohtak Express special JCO 08.01.2023 to 11.01.2023.
14731/14732 Delhi-Bathinda-Delhi Kisan Express JCO 11.01.2023.
Partial Cancellation of train: –
04969 Delhi-Bhiwani Express special JCO 08.01.2023 to 11.01.2023 will be partially cancelled between Rohtak-Bhiwani.