Best New Year Gift to desperate parents by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital doctors in New Delhi
A team of ten members including doctors, nurses and technicians from Obstetrics, Neonatology and Anaesthesia safely brought into this world a female child of weight 1.88 kg in the wee hours of 31st December

A 41 year old woman who had been pregnant through the IVF procedure, and was seven months pregnant started experiencing lower abdominal pain on the night of 30th December. She called doctors for the same complaint and sensing that this high risk patient had gone into labour at 30 weeks, doctors asked her to report to the labour room immediately. There were many complications in the case .
She had undergone a previous Cesarean Section six years ago in advanced labour for Fetal distress. The baby had died at four years of age due to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.
Subsequently, she had undergone two IVFs outside that had failed. She had managed to conceive in the first IVF at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. This baby was going to be very precious for the family.
According to Dr Ruma Satwik, Sr Consultant , Department of Obs. & Gynae, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,” There were many challenges during the management of the case. Her present pregnancy was complicated by frank diabetes mellitus requiring insulin. Besides she had gone into preterm labour. Preterm labour in diabetic mothers can lead to multiple complications in the baby including difficult breathing requiring ventilatory support, metabolic complications like jaundice, low blood sugar in the baby, acquired infections etc. An attempt was made by the doctors of labour room at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to buy time for delivery in order to give steroid injections for baby’s lung maturation. But the labour proceeded to a point of no return.”
The patient insisted on a cesarean considering the history of previous child birth. An urgent delivery through LSCS was hence planned. The neonatal intensive care unit was informed of this impending birth. The senior most doctor on call that night was present for this Cesarean birth both from the obstetrics and neonatology side.
A team of ten members including doctors, nurses and technicians from Obstetrics, Neonatology and Anaesthesia safely brought into this world a female child of weight 1.88 kg in the wee hours of 31st December . The surgery which started at 0230 am , took 2 hours and finished at 0430 am.
Today, the baby is more than 48 hours old and in a stable state, breathing on her own and accepting mother’s feeds through a nasal tube. The neonatologist is hopeful of sending her back home in a stable condition soon.