Government of India Launches Prestigious “Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar” Recognizing Excellence in Science, Technology, and Innovation

In a significant development, the Government of India has introduced the prestigious “Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar” (RVP), a set of national awards dedicated to celebrating excellence in the domains of Science, Technology, and Innovation.

The core objective of the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar is to honor and acknowledge the remarkable contributions made by scientists, technologists, and innovators, either individually or in teams, across various realms of science, technology, and technology-led innovation.

The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar is poised to emerge as one of the most esteemed recognitions in India’s vast landscape of science, technology, and innovation. Eligible candidates encompass scientists, technologists, and innovators employed in government, private sector organizations, or individuals working independently, whose contributions involve groundbreaking research, innovation, or discoveries within the spheres of science, technology, or technology-led innovation.

Moreover, individuals of Indian origin residing abroad, whose exceptional contributions have benefitted Indian communities or society at large, will also be considered for these prestigious awards. The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar will be distributed across four distinct categories:

  1. Vigyan Ratna (VR): Honoring lifetime achievements and substantial contributions in any field of science and technology.
  2. Vigyan Shri (VS): Recognizing distinguished contributions in any field of science and technology.
  3. Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (VY-SSB): Encouraging young scientists under the age of 45 who have made exceptional contributions in science and technology.
  4. Vigyan Team (VT): Commending teams comprising three or more scientists, researchers, or innovators whose collective work has led to exceptional contributions in any field of science and technology.

These awards encompass 13 domains, including Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Mathematics & Computer Science, Earth Science, Medicine, Engineering Sciences, Agricultural Science, Environmental Science, Technology & Innovation, Atomic Energy, Space Science and Technology, and Others. The selection process will prioritize gender parity and representation from each domain.

All nominations for the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar awards will be evaluated by the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar Committee (RVPC), led by the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Government of India. This committee will comprise Secretaries of Science Departments, members of Science and Engineering Academies, and distinguished scientists and technologists from various science and technology fields.

Nominations for these awards will be open annually from January 14th to February 28th (National Science Day), with the award announcements on May 11th (National Technology Day). The Award Ceremony for all award categories will be held on August 23rd (National Space Day), and recipients will receive a Sanad (certificate) and a medal.

This initiative marks a transformative step by the Government of India in recognizing the scientific community’s achievements at the highest level. The awards’ transparent and fair selection process ensures that all sections of scientific innovators and technologists receive due recognition, on par with other esteemed national awards.


A proficient tv reporter with excellent researching skills. I'm adept at telling stories filled with scientific fervour. Stories which are useful for our viewers and enabling them to get real insight for their life. Experienced in tv reporting with more than 17 years of rich experience with leading news channel AajTak. A varied experience of telling news stories, editing articles, covering events and interviewing celebrities across myriad beats like environment, science, climate, weather, disaster, railways, agriculture, socially-relevant topics and human interest stories. Both as a team-player and as an individual my goal has always been, and shall remain, to adhere to deadlines without compromising on quality with the sole aim to grow as an individual by following journalistic ethics and humanity.

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