Ajni Station to Evolve as Nagpur’s Satellite Terminal with the Addition of 4 New Platforms

The transformation of Ajni Station into a satellite terminal for Nagpur is well underway, with a significant development project taking shape. At a total cost of Rs. 45.33 crores, this project has reached a commendable 30% completion milestone, marking substantial progress in expanding the railway infrastructure of the region.

Project Scope and Highlights:

A) Scope of Work:

  1. Ajni Station, which currently features 3 platforms, is set to undergo a transformative change with the construction of 4 new platforms, each capable of accommodating 26-coach length trains.
  2. The project also includes the construction of 4 new stabling lines equipped with secondary maintenance facilities.
  3. To enhance train examination capabilities, a new Pit line will be constructed.
  4. The development plan encompasses the construction of service buildings dedicated to mechanical works.
  5. A 500-meter-long Cover over shed will be erected on one of the platforms.
  6. The project incorporates the establishment of a coach watering facility for improved train services.
  7. Connectivity and accessibility will be enhanced with the construction of 2 new Foot Over Bridges (FOBs) linking the 4 newly proposed platforms.

B) Completed Works:

  1. All contracts for the construction of civil works, new platforms, platform covers, washing pit lines, stabling lines, coach watering pathways, and service buildings have been awarded.
  2. The construction of service buildings, specifically for mechanical works, has been successfully completed.
  3. A 520-meter-long washing pit line, out of a total of 585 meters, has been completed, with track linking to the yard currently in progress.
  4. A 300-meter-long drain for the platform, out of a planned 600 meters, has been successfully constructed.
  5. Track linking for 400 meters each for the 4 stabling lines has been completed.
  6. Tenders for Overhead Equipment (OHE) and Electrical work have been awarded.
  7. The project to remove obstructions affecting Signalling and Telecom infrastructure is currently in progress.

Upon the project’s completion, the addition of new platforms at Ajni Station will significantly enhance train mobility within the Nagpur area, alleviating congestion and ensuring smoother rail operations. This transformative development aligns with the railway’s commitment to improving passenger and freight services in the region.


A proficient tv reporter with excellent researching skills. I'm adept at telling stories filled with scientific fervour. Stories which are useful for our viewers and enabling them to get real insight for their life. Experienced in tv reporting with more than 17 years of rich experience with leading news channel AajTak. A varied experience of telling news stories, editing articles, covering events and interviewing celebrities across myriad beats like environment, science, climate, weather, disaster, railways, agriculture, socially-relevant topics and human interest stories. Both as a team-player and as an individual my goal has always been, and shall remain, to adhere to deadlines without compromising on quality with the sole aim to grow as an individual by following journalistic ethics and humanity.

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