Pulses Production on the Rise: Steady Growth in the Last Three Years

New Delhi, August 11, 2023 – The production of pulses, a vital component of India’s agricultural landscape, has shown a consistent upward trend over the last three years, according to recent data released by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. The production figures for the years 2019-20 to 2022-23 (as per the third advance estimates) are as follows:

Year Production (Lakh Tonnes)
2019-20 230.25
2020-21 254.63
2021-22 273.02
2022-23* 275.04
As per third advance estimates

National Food Security Mission Boosts Pulses Production:

To bolster the production of pulses across the country, the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has been actively implementing the National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Pulses. This mission aims to expand cultivation areas and enhance productivity across 28 States and 2 Union Territories, including Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.

Under NFSM-Pulses, farmers receive support through various interventions, such as:

  • Cluster demonstrations showcasing improved package of practices.
  • Demonstrations of efficient cropping systems.
  • Distribution of high-yielding variety (HYV) and hybrid seeds.
  • Implementation of advanced farm machinery and tools.
  • Adoption of water-efficient technologies.
  • Application of effective plant protection measures.
  • Soil enhancement techniques and nutrient management.
  • Introduction of post-harvest processing equipment and technologies.
  • Targeted training on crop management techniques.

Moreover, the distribution of seed minikits with newer pulse varieties and the operation of 150 Seed Hubs for Pulses under NFSM have further contributed to increasing the availability of quality seeds and fostering pulses production.

Research and Development Efforts to Boost Productivity:

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has played a pivotal role in driving research and development efforts in pulses cultivation. Collaborating with State Agricultural Universities, ICAR has developed high-yielding varieties and tailored production methods suitable for specific locations. A total of 343 high-yielding pulse varieties and hybrids have been approved for commercial cultivation in the country between 2014 and 2023.

Government Initiatives to Ensure Farmer Prosperity:

In a bid to ensure remunerative prices for farmers’ produce, the government has introduced the Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) umbrella scheme. This comprehensive scheme encompasses the Price Support Scheme (PSS), Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS), and Private Procurement Stockist Scheme (PPSS). These initiatives collectively aim to safeguard Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for notified oilseeds, pulses, and copra.

Under the PSS scheme, direct procurement is conducted from pre-registered farmers through Central Nodal Agencies, ensuring conformity to prescribed quality norms. During the fiscal year 2021-22, approximately 30.31 lakh tonnes of pulses were procured under the PSS, benefitting 13,90,737 farmers. In the ongoing fiscal year 2022-23 (as of July 31, 2023), 28.33 lakh tonnes of pulses have already been procured, benefitting 12,43,977 farmers.

These efforts collectively illustrate the government’s commitment to enhancing pulses production, supporting farmers, and ensuring food security for the nation.


A proficient tv reporter with excellent researching skills. I'm adept at telling stories filled with scientific fervour. Stories which are useful for our viewers and enabling them to get real insight for their life. Experienced in tv reporting with more than 17 years of rich experience with leading news channel AajTak. A varied experience of telling news stories, editing articles, covering events and interviewing celebrities across myriad beats like environment, science, climate, weather, disaster, railways, agriculture, socially-relevant topics and human interest stories. Both as a team-player and as an individual my goal has always been, and shall remain, to adhere to deadlines without compromising on quality with the sole aim to grow as an individual by following journalistic ethics and humanity.

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