Railways working to enhance user personalisation and facilitation of their e-ticketing website

Piyush Goyal Minister for Railways and Commerce & Industry and Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution reviewed the up-gradation being worked for the e-ticketing system. The Minister sought that e-ticketing web site should provide holistic convenience to the passengers for their train journey.
IRCTC Ticketing website of IR provides the facility of online passenger reservation in the trains being run over IR touching the lives of most citizens for their rail travel needs.
Since 2014 a new emphasis is being given on improving the public experience in booking of tickets as well as travelling conveniences . The Minister felt that IRCTC web site remains the first contact point of traveling citizens with the Railways and that experience must be friendly and convenient. Under the new digital India, more and more people are now moving towards booking the tickets online rather than going to the reservation counters and therefore IRCTC website needs to really double its efforts to constantly upgrade itself.
Officials of RB, CRIS and IRCTC assured the Minister that all possible efforts would be made to further improve the functioning of web site.